During the planning phase of TEST methodology (Step 1), the company will have designed an information system for resource efficiency that will allow controlling the most significant inefficiencies related to resource productivity. This information system is essential for continuous improvement of the company’s performance against objectives and targets defined in the RECP policy.
The information system is constituted of several elements, such as: a set of resource efficiency indicators linked to important flows at the level of the whole company as well as to productivity bottlenecks at operational level that are set at the end of step 1.6; routine procedures for measuring, recording and analysing specific data in the production and accounting departments; installed measurement devices (both hardware and software); a well-defined monitoring plan with frequency and responsibilities for monitoring, which has been designed in step 1.8 and implemented in step 2.
In step 3, the already established information system is utilized to measure real performance and improvements resulting from the implementation of RECP options, and is compared with the initial baselines quantified during the planning step 1. Results of this analysis are then shared with the management team to allow them to carry out review internal processes as part of the company’s decision making processes.
Monitoring requires internal human resources who should be trained on how to operate the information system, in close cooperation between engineers and accountants.
Documented information such as work instructions could be developed for the collection, processing, recording, evaluation and reporting of monitoring data, but also for documenting and recording any corrective actions to the internal management system with respect to monitoring. These could be part of a future EMS/EnMS.
Results from monitoring after implementation of RECP (real vs. expected) should be presented during internal management review meetings.
The information system on resource efficiency and the indicators should be integrated into the existing management information system and related documented information.
Monitoring data can be used to evaluate conformance to environmental objectives and to set up new management system baselines.
Information on monitoring results should be included for consideration in the EMS/EnMS management system review.