How to support a company in implementing the TEST action plan
At this stage, the results of the work done in Step 1 should start to become visible as the recommended improvements are incorporated.
Support and operation is all about the execution of the action plan that will enable the company to achieve resource efficiency and pollution prevention objectives. For this purpose, the company allocates human, financial, and material resources necessary to implement the action plan.
In this respect, the company ensures that competent staff is available based on appropriate education, training and experience. Accordingly, operational controls are established for internal as well as outsourced processes. These operational controls include technical controls related to the areas of engineering, maintenance, quality and safety. They also include administrative controls consisting of providing information on resource efficiency including significant energy uses to personnel working for or on behalf of the company.
The speed with which the action plan is implemented varies, depending on the company’s motivation, the allocated budget, and the staff capacity. An action plan might be perfect, but it will not be implemented well if the people responsible for its implementation are not committed or sufficiently trained to achieve the desired results.
External TEST consultants may still play a role in supporting companies during the implementation of their action plan. For instance, they can play a role in the implementation of good housekeeping measures (regulation of boilers and utility systems in general, development of the information system, training, etc.) or in the identification, selection and supervision of external service providers and technology suppliers to ensure that quality and sustainability criteria are properly taken into consideration.