image/svg+xml The SwitchMed programme is funded by the European Union image/svg+xml image/svg+xml

It was noted that this dairy and juice company consumes volume of water to rinse the system during the CIP exceeding the benchmarked quantities. Reducing the water quantities over small steps, while monitoring the product quality lead to conservation of water and energy.

Whey is one protein rich by-product that is generated from the production of cheese. In a dairy, generated whey was of mild category, thus was not possible to reuse in useful products, and was disposed to the drain. Investigations for mixing it at small quantities for the production of curdeled milk of LFC can lead to utilization of up to 25% of the produced whey

A milk and beverage company suffered from repeated power outages, thus relied on diesel generators to maintain production availability. The triggers for the generators were not optimized to recharge after short power outages, leading to occasional cuts, forcing CIP to start. Adjusting the triggers of the generators shall eliminate untimely shutdown of equipment.

Unloading of empty plastic containers from trucks was practiced through manual operations, in which operators drop stacks of 20 containers to the ground. This operation resulted in breakage of the lower container. Switching to forklift rather than manual procedure will result in saving of containers, reducing waste generation.

Floor washing in a dairy was practiced through open end hoses, which operators occassionally leave running instead of closing the taps. Suggested measures include utilization of pressureized cleaners as well as equipping the hoses with spray guns to provide high pressure water suitable for cleaning and to control the water flow.

The packaging material purchased by the company is not according to the ASTM standard, resulting in over consumption for packaging the final proucts. Contacting the suppliers of the packaging material, and incorporating the dimensions satisfying the ASTM shall save over 9% of the packaging cost.

Whey generated at this dairy is not utilized and is discarded to the drain. Separating the fat from the whey, and introducing in to the production of butter or other neich products is a worth investigating alternative, especially that the separator is readily available on site.

Due to the frequent product change over in a dairy to meet the market demand, the company runs CIP to assure suitability of the production line. Reviewing the production plan to assure the suitability of at least one product change without the need of cleaning saves on raw material, water and energy, as well as increases the availability of the production line.

Reviewing the frequency of cleaning the production line highlighted excessive number of cleaning cycles from the common practice. Changing the program to match the nature of the products, quality of raw material, and operating conditions of the equipment can eliminate one cycle of cleaning, increasing the availability, and saving on product losses, water and energy consumption.

Benchmarking the yield of a cream separator at a dairy company against the yield from another nearby company revealed that the potential of increasing the productivity is high. Reviewing the operating parameters of the separator can lead to converting 50% of the current losses to products.