image/svg+xml The SwitchMed programme is funded by the European Union image/svg+xml image/svg+xml

An aromatic production company has expanded overtime, with the water network being expanded to match with new installations. This expansion of water network was conducted in an “as needed” manner, ending up by having many connections and a complicated network with high losses. renovating the water network considering the energy efficient design shall save on water leaks, as well as energy demand.

Newly installed filtration system will keep cooling water clean and free of suspended solids which settle inside the exchangers negatively affecting their performance. This measuer will result beside energy savings also in reduction of VOC emissions from the lost solvents. Optimisation of recirculation system will bring additional savings on operating costs of the recirculation pumps.

The company’s polymerization process is carried out in a reactor where additives are added from the top of the reactor. During the periodic cleaning some build-up material is difficult to remove, leading to product losses and increases in cleaning time.
Investigations revealed that injection of the additives from the bottom instead of adding it from the top eliminated the build-up of material on the reactor walls and led to cost savings in terms of time and material as well as increasing worker’s safety.