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Best practices

This section compiles a database of more than 200 resource efficiency measures that were identified using the TEST methodology and successfully implemented within several industries across many sectors. The measures are classified by sector and subsector, type (good housekeeping, process control/modification, technology change, etc.), category of resource savings (water, energy and/or materials), scope and applicability (process or utilities). The database enables the use of predefined filters including the possibility to use keywords for an advanced search.

Each measure in the database includes a description of the problem, a technical description of the solution, the economic and environmental benefits quantified for the specific company case, the costs and the expected return on investment, suppliers of equipment as well as other aspects related to safety, maintenance, productivity and technical implementation.

Installation of a PV (photo-voltaic) electricity generation system

To mitigate the increasing cost of electricity consumption, and as this company has the factory roof unutilized, instalation of photo-voltaic pannels saves the cost of electricity, and supports as a clean renewable source of energy.

Installation of a self-cleaning filter for the starch supply circuit

Replacement of Puddle size press by Rod technique. Size of openings in the screen and its setting for particular filtration purposes is essential to achieve the self-cleaning effect. Then, the Rod could be used instead of sizing without metering, just controlled by absorptivity of paper (the puddle process). Resulting higher solids content decreases the amount energy needed for consequent drying.

Installation of a separation system of the oil-iron mixture by centrifugation

Iron oxides generated within the quenching process are lost as they are contaminated with oil from the quenching bath, and is drained from the bath as hazardous waste. Installation of a centrifuge separator to recover the iron oxide reduces the hazardous waste, and allows the collection of the iron oxides to be sold for scrap traders.

Installation of a thermoforming yoghurt filling machine

This yoghurt manufacturing facility suffered high rate of packaging material loss, resulting from the use of prefabricated pots. Purchase and installation of a thermoforming machine to fabricate the pots right at the packaging section significantly reduce the packaging loss.

Installation of a variable speed compressor

In order to cope with the fluctuations of compressed air demand, and reduce the frequent start-ups of the air compressor, a textile company was advised to install a variable speed compressor. This measure would eliminate the idel running of the compressor and match the supply and demand of compressed air, resulting in energy saving.

Installation of an absorption refrigeration unit

This company's production process is exothermic, with huge amount of heat generated during the chemical reaction. Directing this heat to run an absorption chiller can recover the heat into cooling capacity, while reducing the electricity consumption.

Installation of an industrial water filter for the cooling tower water

Newly installed filtration system will keep cooling water clean and free of suspended solids which settle inside the exchangers negatively affecting their performance. This measuer will result beside energy savings also in reduction of VOC emissions from the lost solvents. Optimisation of recirculation system will bring additional savings on operating costs of the recirculation pumps.

Installation of an ionic retarder for the acid bath

The stripping operation in a cold wire drawing company relies on dipping the strips in hot Sulphuric acid solution to remove the iron oxides. The removed iron oxides contaminate the acid, and thus it needs to be replaced frequently to maintain the acidity level. Installation of an ion retarder within the stripping bath assures continous removal of the iron oxides, maintaining un-interrupted process, and saves on acid conusmption.

Installation of pigging technology

Significant quantities of product loss occurred in this dairy during the line cleaning, which is achieved through a conventional CIP process. Installing a pigging technology to clean the line will facilitate recovery of that product, as well as reduce the quantity of water used for cleaning, and reduce the pollution loads.

Installing deeper dipping area for dates

The chocolate dipping machine at a confectionary company was not properly dimensioned. A percentage of the dates processed by the machine lacked adequate dipping space, and were sorted out as non-conforming products. Changing the design of the dipping machine, through increasing the depth of the dipping area would mitigate those non-conforming products, improving the utilization of raw material.