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Best practices

This section compiles a database of more than 200 resource efficiency measures that were identified using the TEST methodology and successfully implemented within several industries across many sectors. The measures are classified by sector and subsector, type (good housekeeping, process control/modification, technology change, etc.), category of resource savings (water, energy and/or materials), scope and applicability (process or utilities). The database enables the use of predefined filters including the possibility to use keywords for an advanced search.

Each measure in the database includes a description of the problem, a technical description of the solution, the economic and environmental benefits quantified for the specific company case, the costs and the expected return on investment, suppliers of equipment as well as other aspects related to safety, maintenance, productivity and technical implementation.

Improved technical specifications for hot fill preforms

Detailed analysis for the product loss in a PET hot filling machine revealed that the cause of the loss was associated with the quality of used performs, leading to expansion of the bottles, and overfilling with product.

Improvement and control of the process by setting up and applying the Six Sigma method

Process optimization through the adoption of Six Sigma method supported in reducing the losses, and improving the product quality. This practice summarizes the actions taken within a pasta manufacturing facility to adopt this optimisation technique.

Improvement of the hardening process

The hardening process was identified as the main cause of battery defects, leading to market returns. Review of the operating conditions during the hardening process, including proper stacking of trays, monitoring of humidity, and curing procedures positively improve the hardening process and reduce the product returns.

Improvement of the quality of galvanizing water and reducing pneumatic energy losses

Compressed air is used for water bubbling within galvanizing water. As the pressure setting of the compressed air is high, oil mixes with the air bubbles, and causes qulity problems. Shifting the bubbling to utilize vacuum pumps rather than compressed air improved on the quality, and reduced the energy consumption.

Improving efficiency of cooling tower by better regulation

A processed cheese dairy company has a flash cooling process. The flash cooling water cycle is not running at standard temperatures (set point) and the flow rate of the inlet water to the cooling tower is too high, causing increased energy consumption. Improved control over the cooling process including reduce the water flowrate, and installation of temperature monitoring equipment saved energe needed for pumps and chiller.

Improving production planning

A plastic containers manufacturing company, working with injection molding process, has to frequently change the mold to match each product batch and respond to customer orders. Changing the mold results in loss of production time, reflecting the time to change the mold, as well as loss of the off-specification products resulting during the start-up of each batch. Tackling this drawback was achieved through communication with the company's clients for long term planning in order to reduce the frequency of changeover, and increase the productivity. In parrallel, capacity building for the workers on speedy change of molds, and adjustment of process parameters reduced the off-specification products.

Improving the performance & upgrading the cooling system

The cooling system of this company was noted to neglect the energy efficiency in its design. The COP of the ammonia compressors station, as well as the cooling towers was low, due to poor maintenance practices, and worn-out insulation. Whereas, the cooling tunnels of the production line that passes through the hot zone, had the suction air of high temperature, negatively affecting its efficiency. Adopting preventive maintenance techniques, and maximizing the benefit of the wasteheat, shall reduce the electricity consumption by over 8%.

Increase defrost effectiveness

In a date manufacturing company, the production line had to be stopped to remove the frost formed on the coils of refrigerators and freezers. This de-frosting process was achieved through hot gas, resulting in long de-frosting time, negatively impacting the productivity. Installing electric heaters to assist in the defrosting process shall reduce the defrosting time, as well as to assure complete removal of formed frost, therefore improving the effectiveness of the refrigerators and freezers resulting in reduction of electricity consumption.

Increase efficiecy of pasteurizers (HRR)

Calculating the Heat Recovery Ratio (HRR) for this company's pasteurizers, and benchmarking it to the best practice, showed huge potential for improvement. Adding more plates to the regererative section of the pasteurizer, will improve the heat transfer effficiency, increasing the HRR, and save on the steam and cooling water consumption of the pasteurizer.

Increase the capacity of the refrigeration unit for CO2 saturation

An undersized refrigeration unit used in a carbonated drinks production facility was not able to attain the desired temperature for CO2 fixation, and consequntly lots of non-complying products were discarded. Increasing the capacity of the refrigeration unit, togehter with preventive mainenance of the system saved on resources, and increased the productivity