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Best practices

This section compiles a database of more than 200 resource efficiency measures that were identified using the TEST methodology and successfully implemented within several industries across many sectors. The measures are classified by sector and subsector, type (good housekeeping, process control/modification, technology change, etc.), category of resource savings (water, energy and/or materials), scope and applicability (process or utilities). The database enables the use of predefined filters including the possibility to use keywords for an advanced search.

Each measure in the database includes a description of the problem, a technical description of the solution, the economic and environmental benefits quantified for the specific company case, the costs and the expected return on investment, suppliers of equipment as well as other aspects related to safety, maintenance, productivity and technical implementation.

Prevention of losses through the central dispensing unit

This pastry producer had a manual operation for ingredient transportaion to mixers, and holding tanks, which caused loss of ingredients during filling, and dosing. Installing a central dispensing unit to automatically dose the different ingredients and distribute the mixture to the different production units will mitigate the material spillage, and increase the productivity of the production line.

Process Optimisation and Transition to Direct Compression

Process Optimisation through batch size increase

Procurement of a continuous dryer with a conveyor

Shifting from conventional drying to continous dryeing with an automatic conveyor supported this textile company to increase the productivity, reduce the steam demand, and improve the product quality.

Procurement of a laser engraving workshop with an efficient software

Adopting a laser engraving machine with an efficient software is considered as a winnning measure for this textile company, as they now decreased the rework of products. This not only increased the productivity, but also reduced the specific energy and chemical consumption.

Procurement of micro-nano bubbles washing machines

Another eco-innovative opportunity to save on water, energy and chemical consumption within jeans washing facility was to install micro-nano bubbles washing machines in place of the conventional washing machines. This technology was developed within the past few years, and proved success in various installations.

Product recovery through installation of transmitters

This dairy production company has a semi-automatic open CIP process, in which product is pushed out of the production line by water. Manual procedures (visual) are followed to detect of the interface between water and product are insufficient, and consequently resulting in loss of products.Installing sensors to determine that interface (TDS measurement) shall increase the recovered products.

Production management system optimisation and automation of dyeing machines

This practice illustrates the strength of a powerful information system, that is linked to an automation software can save on resources, and reduce the production time.

Protein recovery from press water

Before the fish meal is dried, the raw materials are pressed to recover oil and to reduce the amount of water, which facilitates the drying process. This water loaded with protein is discharged directly into the WWTP and therefore requires its decluttering. Installing nano filtration unit will reduce the amount of BOD and, as a result, the purified water discharged into the pipeline will improve the performance of the WWTP. In addition, the company estimates the addition of at least 30% concentrated protein which will allow the production of high quality fish meal.

Recovery and recycling of water from Waste water treatment plant

Mapping of water quality revealed that the effluent from the WWTP can be reused after some additional Reverse osmosis treatment. This practice illustrates the case of a textile company that managed to recycle 120 000 m3/year of water.