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Best practices

This section compiles a database of more than 200 resource efficiency measures that were identified using the TEST methodology and successfully implemented within several industries across many sectors. The measures are classified by sector and subsector, type (good housekeeping, process control/modification, technology change, etc.), category of resource savings (water, energy and/or materials), scope and applicability (process or utilities). The database enables the use of predefined filters including the possibility to use keywords for an advanced search.

Each measure in the database includes a description of the problem, a technical description of the solution, the economic and environmental benefits quantified for the specific company case, the costs and the expected return on investment, suppliers of equipment as well as other aspects related to safety, maintenance, productivity and technical implementation.

Installing solar water heating system for make-up water

A vegetable processing company suffered from the increasing cost of energy used by the boiler to generate steam. The steam was partially utilized as live steam, thus make-up water is needed to compensate for that live steam. Preheating the make-up water with solar water heaters shall save 8.5% of the thermal energy consumption of the company.

Installing water meters for water monitoring and controlling

A dairy company didn’t have any water meters installed other than the main utlity meter, which was recorded once every two monthes by the utility company. Installing water submeters on main water consumers, and monitoring their consumption allowed the company to set internal benchmarks and targets for the consumption, as well as raising awareness for water conservation, saving on water likewise associated.

Integrate the third 40 bar compressor into the sequencer

Air compressors are known to account for a big portion of electricity consumption, especially when they are poorly controlled. In a company operating with three high pressure compressors in parallel, only two of which were connected through a sequencer to optimize their load/unload patterns. The third compressor was operating without the sequencer, and had frequent starts. Connecting the third compressor to the sequencer shall harmonize the operation of the three compressors, and save on energy consumption.

Introducing reusable plastic boxes

The company used to pack the final products in cartoon boxes before delivery to the market. Those cartoon boxes were of single use, and next to the waste of resources they also couldn’t completely protect to products from damage, risking its rejection. Introducing plastic boxes to replace the cartoon boxes, would conserve the product during transportation, and the plastic boxes could be re-used several times, decreasing the packaging cost.

Introduction of higher efficiency burner

A dairy has a diesel operated boiler which provides the steam needed for pasteurization process. The boiler burner had an old design with low efficiency and only firing diesel fuel. Replacing the boiler burner with a higher efficiency, dual firing burner, increased the boiler efficiency, and provided flexibility to use LPG which is cheaper than diesel fuel.

Introduction of NIR analysis (protein, moisture)

Due to its long analysis time using conventional measurements, the humidity of produced pasta varied widely, leading to excessive water and energy consumption. Introducing Near InfraRed (NIR) analysis for moisture and protein content allowed to save on resources.

Introduction of the gluten index analysis

The quality and quantity of gluten in the semolina have a great impact on the processing characteristics and the final quality of the pasta and couscous. In a pasta production company, overseeing this parameter resulted in increased rate of recycled products, which are avoidable through introduction of glucomatic system.

Laser bleaching

This Jeans production company relied on conventional permenganate based bleaching process in finishing their products. Introducing the eco-innovative laser bleaching technology will replace the conventional chemical based technique, as well as save on water and energy consumption for the finishing process. It will also decrease the number of products that need to be reworked.

Light fixtures replacement with LED technology

This measure illustrates the electricity savings, and improvement of work environment associated with replacing light fixtures from flourescent lamps to LED technology.

Liming With Hair Recovery

This practice is an example of a circular economy solution within a tannery. Chemicals used to remove hair from hides, if properly selected, the removed hair can be directed towards fertilizer production, or directly used for agricultural applications rather than being delivered to landfills.