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Step 1.3 TEST team

How to mobilize the internal skills of a company and plan for implementing TEST.


The implementation of an initiative like TEST requires the full engagement of a company’s internal team – the TEST team. This team will be a resource pool that will drive the process and interface with external consultants and service providers to integrate resource efficiency in processes and operations. 

The TEST team should be led by a motivated leader who can inform decision-makers, and should include key staff members with relevant knowledge and perspectives on the different business functional units. The section below shows examples of suitable TEST team members. The TEST team will be responsible for compiling process data, as well as for developing, implementing and evaluating the TEST action plan. The motivation of the TEST team is crucial: experience shows that better results can be achieved when top management sets up an internal incentive scheme to reward staff for playing an active role in TEST implementation.

The training of the TEST team and a broader awareness program targeting workers and employees can be planned in several short sessions. Each session is interspersed with practical work in the company for data collection and analysis. Training of internal teams is important to strengthen capacities and upgrade a company’s skills in the fields of resource efficiency and integrated environmental management for continuous improvement.

Knowledge areas of TEST team members

Core competences
  • Top management representative (e.g. technical director)
  • Process and technology (e.g. chief engineer, production manager)
  • Accounting and financial expertise (e.g. chief accountant)
  • Management systems (e.g. managers of EMS, QMS, H&S, etc.)
Supporting areas
  • Production planning
  • Information systems specialist
  • Maintenance
  • Research and development, product design


  • Company policy and commitment
  • Different profiles of enterprise staff members
  • External consultants and service providers
  • Set up TEST team, assign responsibilities, and appoint a leader
  • Plan and deliver training to TEST team members
  • Plan TEST implementation in company
  • Awareness raising meetings with all company staff
  • TEST team formalized
  • TEST team trained
  • Workplan
  • Company staff engaged